2015년 9월 13일 일요일

Push-Recovery Stability of Biped Locomotion

Yoonsang Lee, Kyungho Lee, Soon-Sun Kwon, Jiwon Jeong, Carol O'Sullivan, Moon Seok Park, Jehee Lee
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015

Motion capture of our push-recovery experiment. The experimenter pushed the participant while walking and measured lateral detour from the straight line.

Biped controller design pursues two fundamental goals; simulated walking should look human-like and robust against perturbation while maintaining its balance. Normal gait is a pattern of walking that humans normally adopt in undisturbed situations. It has previously been postulated that normal gait is more energy efficient than abnormal or impaired gaits. However, it is not clear whether normal gait is also superior to abnormal gait patterns with respect to other factors, such as stability. Understanding the correlation between gait and stability is an important aspect of biped controller design. We studied this issue in two sets of experiments with human participants and a simulated biped. The experiments evaluated the degree of resilience to external pushes for various gait patterns. We identified four gait factors that affect the balance-recovery capabilities of both human and simulated walking. We found that crouch gait is significantly more stable than normal gait against lateral push. Walking speed and the timing/magnitude of disturbance also affect gait stability. Our work would provide a potential way to  compare the performance of biped controllers by normalizing their output gaits and improve their performance by adjusting these decisive factors.

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Download : mp4 (69.3MB)

SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 talk slides : pptx (127MB)

Human & simulation measurement data : zip (1.2MB) 
Motion capture data from the human experiments : zip (99.1MB) 

2015년 7월 5일 일요일

Locomotion Control for Many-Muscle Humanoids

Yoonsang LeeMoon Seok ParkTaesoo KwonJehee Lee
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014

We present a biped locomotion controller for humanoid models actuated by more than a hundred Hill-type muscles. The key component of the controller is our novel algorithm that can cope with step-based biped locomotion balancing and the coordination of many nonlinear Hill-type muscles simultaneously. Minimum effort muscle activations are calculated based on muscle contraction dynamics and online quadratic programming. Our controller can faithfully reproduce a variety of realistic biped gaits (e.g., normal walk, quick steps, and fast run) and adapt the gaits to varying conditions (e.g., muscle weakness, tightness, joint dislocation, and external pushes) and goals (e.g., pain reduction and efficiency maximization). We demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our controller with examples that can only be achieved using highly-detailed musculoskeletal models with many muscles.

Download : pdf (12.0MB)

Download : mp4 (55.3MB)

Supplemental Material
Download : pdf (1.0MB)

SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 talk slides : pptx (101.5MB)

Humanoid models & Reference motions : zip (8.2MB) 

Data-Driven Biped Control

Yoonsang LeeSungeun KimJehee Lee

Our data-driven controller allows the physically-simulated biped character to reproduce challenging motor skills captured in motion data. 

We present a dynamic controller to physically simulate under-actuated three-dimensional full-body biped locomotion. Our data-driven controller takes motion capture reference data to reproduce realistic human locomotion through realtime physically based simulation. The key idea is modulating the reference trajectory continuously and seamlessly such that even a simple dynamic tracking controller can follow the reference trajectory while maintaining its balance. In our framework, biped control can be facilitated by a large array of existing data-driven animation techniques because our controller can take a stream of reference data generated on-the-fly at runtime. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through examples that allow bipeds to turn, spin, and walk while steering its direction interactively.

Download : pdf (1.4MB)


Full video : mov (60.2MB)

Spinning example : 
- original speed - mov (1.2MB)
- 1/2 speed - mov (2.5MB)
- 1/3 speed - mov (3.8MB)
- 1/4 speed - mov (4.8MB)

SIGGRAPH 2010 talk slides : pptx (2.2MB, without video) / zip (132MB, with video)

Reference motion capture data : zip (0.7MB)